How Good Can You Stand It


How Good Can You Stand It” is a life and business bible.

By fusing inspiration, art and colour theory, this incredible book helps you to use colour to communicate, change behaviours, brand business and enhance environments. How Good Can You Stand it not only helps you feel good, but provides you insight into how to use colour for success.

Each colour tone is elegantly explained, reinforced by the use of beautiful Tracie Eaton Original artworks and inspirational quotes written by Tracie.

Using business examples and life lessons, Tracie Eaton explains the emotional & usually subconscious resonance we all have with colour. Trained as an Occupational Therapist, and in Colour Psychology, Tracie Eaton uses colour in her artwork very specifically to ensure her clients have the ‘feelings’ they want in their home or office. Throughout How Good Can You Stand It, Tracie Eaton masterfully shares her understandings of colour all while taking you on a heartfelt journey through the world of colour.

This book is a must have for anyone who wants to feel inspired and who wants to live their life “in Full Colour”.


Please allow 21 business days from date of order for delivery of your new artwork.

重量 2.2 磅
尺寸 11.7 × 1 × 8.3 英寸


供应商: Tracie Eaton Artwork

公司: Artistic Hub Pty Ltd
电话 61 406649720
电子邮件: [email protected]

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