How to Market Your Book


An easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide on how you can market, promote and, ultimately BOOST SALES of your book.

How to Market Your Book is jam-packed with essential book industry information that is imperative for every author to know, written by international bestselling author Rachael Bermingham.

Rachael shares her insider knowledge and walks you through hundreds of strategies: from the pre-launch of your book to well afterwards, helping you understand, prepare, implement, and take advantage of each step to sell loads of books and also grow a successful business beyond your book!

SKU: Bookglee - How to Market Your Book-1 Category: Tag: Vendor: Bookglee

An easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide on how you can market, promote and, ultimately BOOST SALES of your book.

How to Market Your Book is jam-packed with essential book industry information that is imperative for every author to know, written by international bestselling author Rachael Bermingham.

Rachael shares her insider knowledge and walks you through hundreds of strategies: from the pre-launch of your book to well afterwards, helping you understand, prepare, implement, and take advantage of each step to sell loads of books and also grow a successful business beyond your book!


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Weight 1.3 lbs


Non Fiction

non fiction



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Vendor: Bookglee

Company: Bookglee

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