Rumah Scape Plus

Lilin Lilin Kedelai Sereal Pagi 11oz

USD$25.00 atau Harga aslinya adalah: USD$25.00.Harga saat ini adalah: USD$23.75. / bulan

Stroberi dan Lilin Kedelai Krim 11oz

USD$25.00 atau Harga aslinya adalah: USD$25.00.Harga saat ini adalah: USD$23.75. / bulan

Lilin Lilin Kedelai Kue Gula 11oz

USD$25.00 atau Harga aslinya adalah: USD$25.00.Harga saat ini adalah: USD$23.75. / bulan

Informasi Vendor

Vendor: Rumah Scape Plus

Welcome to Home Scape Plus! At first it was all about Candles and soaps. I sold wholesale to retail stores all over the world, however, wholesale only pays the bills of the business and keeps the business going. I decided to experiment and started printing and selling apparel, T Shirts and Sweatshirts and found it was gaining momentum. With the excitement of designing shirts and also designing different candles and soaps, I found this was my new path. I was happy getting up each day and being creative, I had found my joy and could work even with my medical condition. I have always believed, never let a hurdle destroy your dream. I guess that is how Home Scape Plus was started, a small dream that is growing each day.
~Angie Cox

Perusahaan: Rumah Scape Plus
Alamat: 615 S Park Street , Gifford, 61847, IllinoisAmerika Serikat

Kategori Toko: Beranda
Email: [email protected]


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