The Infinite Creator Calls


THE INFINITE CREATOR CALLS: 3-Week Intensive Call Series

  • Are you ready to reclaim or amplify the innate power of the living form and human heart?
  • Do you know that miracles exist, know that you are that walking miracle, and want to fully embody who you are?
  • Are you ready to shift outdated timelines for yourself, and as you do so, for the human race?

There is tremendous power within sound waves for accelerating healing, rewriting genetic code, and shifting energy for people and planet alike.

The Infinite Creator Calls are transformative, live group activational sessions designed to transmute outdated energetic gridlines, activate cellular light, and bring that light into the world.

80 QV/ 10 DB / 60 CV



The Infinite Creator Calls are transformative, live group activational sessions designed to transmute outdated energetic gridlines, activate cellular light, and bring that light into the world.

These calls are to assist us individually and collectively in making the shifts between old world and New Earth gridlines*. They are for you if you are on the spiritual awakening journey, are mastering or have mastered the art of self-responsibility, and would like a bit of extra support to reclaim who you are and your alignment with infinite Source life streams.

Through primordial sound—a form of light language—we dismantle false light narratives, clear imprints and genetic distortions, and reactivate the cell’s eternal state, restoring its original blueprint of life.

Conversation and Q&A support the release of outdated emotional energies, while also adjusting the alignment of the conscious and subconscious mind so that you may function more easefully as a force of creation.

These calls are not for the faint of heart. This work invites you to embody your eternal essence and true form. It may require releasing false beliefs, exercising the power of the mind, becoming the energy of forgiveness, and walking paths you may not have thought possible.

The calls offer a high-frequency resonance to support your vibration as you navigate and shift within your own life. Through focused sessions in a short timeframe, the intention is to help you align with your highest potential and become the magnificent generator of miracles this world requires.

”Thank you infinitely, Zhara. These calls are so incredibly supportive in keeping me aligned with my highest timeline, connected to the field of creation. I find it truly helps keep me in my heart centre and highest alignment, shifts density and feelings of uncertainty, and installs crystalline clarity, peace, love, abundance, and boosts the field with high-frequency energy.” – A.S.

These calls exist to change everything. It is the essence of who you are that will light the way home.


The Infinite Creator Calls are offered in 3-week series, with three 30-minute calls each week (a total of nine powerful sessions per series).

Recordings are available for those who cannot attend live.

We run three weeks on and three weeks off to allow time for integration.You can join just one call series, or as many as you wish.


  • Series 1: 27 January – 14 February
  • Series 2: 10 March – 28 March
  • Series 3: 28 April – 16 May
  • Series 4: 9 June – 27 June
  • Series 5: 21 July – 8 August
  • Series 6: 1 September – 19 September
  • Series 7: 13 October – 31 October
  • Series 8: 24 November – 12 December

(Note: There is a 3-week break between series, except between Series 2 and Series 3, which have a 4-week gap.)


We offer two groups per series, tailored to your current stage of evolution:


  • You sense there’s something more. You’re ready to step out of fight-or-flight mode, take full responsibility for your life, and move toward the life you deserve.
  • Call Time: Mon, Wed, Fri at 9:30 am AEST/Brisbane or via recording.


  • You’ve done the hard work—faced shadows, released emotional baggage, and become a blank slate for creation.
  • OR your cells are already alive with light, your nervous system is clear, and you’re ready for greater expansion.
  • Call Time: Mon, Wed, Fri at 10:15 am AEST/Brisbane or via recording.


We meet on Zoom for 30 minutes, three times per week, to deepen self-awareness and integrate the beauty of existence.

Call formats will vary depending on the energy and group dynamics. While most calls are audio-only to ensure you are focused within your own field of energy, occasional video calls will be held.

This space invites you to:

  • Shift cellular constructs and residues of false light.
  • Clear and/or integrate emotional and mental patterns that hold you back.
  • Expand your awareness of ascension timelines and frequency upgrades.
  • Release denser energies in the etheric field.
  • Access the center point of the heart.
  • Re-weave genetic templates/recalibrate DNA with missing links.
  • Fully embody your eternal self.
  • Fast-track your individual journey.
  • Align with your highest aspect of self and use your power as infinite light.
  • Shift between old world and New Earth gridlines*.Gridlines are finely tuned webs of energy that exist throughout and with all things. For the human form, gridlines connect neural networks, cellular grids, and layers of energy in and around the physical form. These gridlines can also interconnect between time and space to other dimensions as well as to other people, places, and things.


Upon joining, you’ll be added to a Telegram group where you can connect with current and past participants. This network provides ongoing support for your evolutionary journey.

Within Telegram, Zhara will answer questions to assist your process. Her work carries a potent resonance, allowing old patterns to crumble and make way for the new, so it can be helpful to have the additional support.

You’ll also receive actionable suggestions to accelerate your progress with ease, grace, and joy.


1. Self-Responsibility

  • You take—or are ready to take—full responsibility for your manifest reality, recognizing it as a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, traumas, ancestral patterns, and karmic cycles.
  • You have released—or are ready to release—blame and judgment, embracing this journey and those you encounter on it.

2. Familiarity with Zhara’s Work

  • You have engaged with Zhara’s work through her book, previous courses, or client sessions. Alternatively, you’ve thoroughly read her website and resonate with its frequency.

Highly Recommended: Using LifeFX Living Water Droplets with your drinking water enhances cellular potency, supports physical cleansing, and facilitates dramatic shifts. In addition, shifting to spring water with added hydrogen is also recommended to facilitate expansion.


Within 24 hours of completed payment, you’ll receive a Zoom link to access all of the calls.

For those starting off in a beginner series, it is recommended to commit to 3 back-to-back series for maximum results.

  • If you start in Beginner sessions and feel ready, you are welcome to transition to Intermediate/Advanced.

Email: [email protected] 

Anbieter Details

Informationen zum Anbieter

Anbieter: LifeFX Lebendiges Wasser

Unternehmen: This is Living Pty Ltd atf Five Springs Way Trust
Telefon: 61 435817158
E-Mail: [email protected]

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