NuCalm® EDGE – Monthly Subscription

USD$45.00 /Monat (beginnt in 30 Tagen)

EDGE Abonnement includes SIX products on the NuCalm mobile app: Rescue, PowerNap, FlowState, Focus, Ignite, and DeepSleep. Most popular and best value!

Want the power of your brain in the PALM of your hand? Where your anxiety becomes calm. Where your stressed body and mind are relaxed. Where insomnia turns into deep sleep. Where you have great focus exactly when you need it. Where you can instantly achieve peak energy and intensity for a big competition. Where in the world can you get ALL THAT? At NuCalm®. The wonder NON-drug that delivers science through sound.

Backed by 35 years of clinically proven, patented neuroscience and trusted by the US military, pilots, doctors, professional athletes since 2009, NuCalm is now available in a mobile app. Use the tech that Tony Robbins, Jim Kwik, Mark Victor Hansen, Ben Greenfield, and Luke Storey rely on daily for energy, clarity, performance, and quality sleep.

“NuCalm is the tool for creating balance in your mind and body. I highly recommend that you check it out as a predictable, safe, and effective technology to manage your stress, improve your sleep quality and provide a foundation for massive success. By doing it every day, you literally train your nervous system to function at its best.”

Tony Robbins
America’s #1 Transformation Coach & Business Strategist, NY Times Bestselling Author, NuCalm user since 2015
Tony Robbins


EDGE subscription includes SIX products on the NuCalm mobile app: Rescue, PowerNap, FlowState, Focus, Ignite, and DeepSleep. Most popular and best value.

NuCalm Research Studies

NuCalm’s impact to rapidly reduce the sympathetic nervous system and raise the parasympathetic nervous system in people suffering with anxiety or depression.

Dr. CK Peng’s Affidavit on NuCalm Patent Application | Study

Research Summary of NuCalm Studies on Various Populations.

Anbieter Details

Informationen zum Anbieter

Anbieter: NuCalm

Unternehmen: NuCalm
E-Mail: [email protected]

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