Holos Prime is STEP ZERO in WHOLE BODY health support-
We have combined the incredible power of colostrum, with the miracle of the rain forest – ac-11®, to create an unmatched WHOLE HEALTH daily supplement.
Use it for:
- Improved digestion
- Support for a healthy immune system
- Up regulated natural DNA repair
- Hair, skin and nail health
- Muscle growth
- Promotes collagen III production
- Cognitive functions
- Antioxidant properties
- Vitamins, minerals, nutrients
- And more!
Only 3 pure ingredients, two types of colostrum from the leading supplier in the USA, and ac-11®.
With hundreds of bioactives, immunoglobulins, vitamins, nutrients, and thousands of studies to support the dramatic benefits from colostrum and ac-11®, people are truly experiencing WHOLE HEALTH support with Holos Prime.
Holos is THE ONLY elite colostrum blend enhanced by ac-11®
Three Ingredients:
Colostrum One: A standardized bovine colostrum rich in IgG antibodies for immune support.
Immulox: A specialized colostrum extract high in proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs) to support a healthy immune response.
AC-11: An extract from Cat’s Claw that supports DNA repair at the cellular level.
Combined the are STEP ZERO building you a the strongest foundation possible for your health and beauty.|
The ONE and DONE solution you’ve been looking for.
A few of the many Holos Prime SUCCESS STORIES:
“I regularly use supplements to keep my body operating at its best. Adding this product is taking it to a new level with the colostrum. I’m impressed.”
-Alice H
“I have been taking the Holos colostrum product for about 3 months now. I am SHOCKED at the results! Recently I went to my hairdresser for my quarterly highlight and she found several patches of new growth of my hair! My skin looks amazing! And I will say that at 56 years old, I have never been very good at remembering to take my supplements, no matter how good they have been. I CAN TELL Holos is working in my body, it tastes great and it’s easy to take! So I don’t forget to take it!
So grateful that my friend shared this with me!”
-Lorie A
“Five months ago I started using this product. After wearing hair extensions for almost 10 years, I’m no longer wearing them. My hair isn’t even the same hair anymore. It has thickened up and grown like crazy and I’m no longer losing it in the shower. I’m 49 years old and it feels so good to love my hair again! Oh, and I’m saving thousands of dollars a year not paying for those expensive extensions! I’m never coming off this product!”
– Courtney L
(The results described in the testimonial are unique to the individual and achieved only through dedication to a specific diet and exercise regimen in conjunction with Holos Health dietary supplements. Results may vary.)
How to use Holos Prime:
Mix 1-3 scoops into any cool liquid each day. (Ingredients are heat sensitive so make sure the liquid is cool or cold.)
Add it to your shake, electrolytes, juice, water, or even take it as a dry scoop!
Backed by our 30 day, bottom of the tub, money back guarantee
Immulox® and ColostrumOne™ are Registered Trademarks of APS BioGroup
ac-11® is a Registered Trademark of Optigenex Inc., protected by U.S. Patent Nos.: 10,098,922; 9,457,009; 9,889,107; and U.S. Patent Application: 17903284
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