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You've Got One Shot - Bucheinblicke, die dir helfen, deine Träume zu verwirklichen

Über den Kurs

Based on the powerful book You’ve Got One Shot by Craig Schulze, this course dives into the life-changing insights and principles behind the One-Shot Movement. With a message rooted in resilience, purpose, and living life to its fullest, this course empowers you to overcome challenges, pursue your dreams, and leave a lasting impact on the world.

Drawing from personal experiences, including the profound loss of his son Ethan, Craig shares the lessons and mindset that have driven him to live a life of meaning and success. This course is a heartfelt guide to taking your one shot at life and giving it your best.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Embrace Life’s One-Shot Mentality- Understand the importance of living with purpose and urgency to achieve your dreams.
  • Find Strength in Adversity- Learn how to turn life’s challenges into fuel for growth and impact.
  • Discover Powerful Life Principles- Explore the key insights from You’ve Got One Shot to live with resilience, passion, and determination.
  • Leave a Legacy- Gain inspiration to create a meaningful life that impacts others and honors what truly matters.
  • Create a Life of Fulfillment- Develop the mindset to take action, chase your dreams, and build a life aligned with your deepest values.

Inhalt des Kurses

Personal Empowerment Insights To Help You Grow And Evolve

  • Personal Empowerment Insights To Help You Grow And Evolve Session 1
  • Personal Empowerment Insights To Help You Grow And Evolve Session 2
  • Personal Empowerment Insights To Help You Grow And Evolve Session 3

You’ve Got One Shot Book


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