THE FIRST Salon Professional Blow Dryer Brush with SuperRED Technology to eliminate damage. Heat the hair from the inside out (no heat damage to the outer layer of hair strand). The Brush bristles were designed to detangle the hair and create shine. Create extreme volume and smooth frizz!
SPRAY Step 4 (Hydrovital Mist) as your heat protectant on both wet or dry hair. Always allow hair to dry to 60% prior to using the BLOW-DRYER BRUSH. Can be used on 100% dry hair between washes.
-SuperRED Technology (reduces damage from heat)
-Brush Bristles designed to detangle the hair and create shine
-360 degree swivel cord
-3 Heat settings: low (air only), medium heat, and high heat
1 Year warranty (from date of purchase): Applies to the professional motor
من أين أبدأ مع بو ستيجال؟
شعري يتساقط أو يتساقط!
شعري جاف و تالف!
لقد انقسمت نهايات شعري!
شعري وفروة رأسي دهنية!