Cell Renewal Conditioner is the 3rd step in our trademark Bo Stegall | The Collection™ Cell Renewal Technology.
PUMP 3-5 pumps of STEP 3 Cell Renewal Conditioner into your palms.
يتقدم conditioner starting with the hair ends, working up through mid- strands to the scalp. Leave on your hair for 60 seconds or longer before rinsing thoroughly with warm or cool water.
يكمل مع الخطوة 4 Hydrovital Mist.
شعري يتساقط أو يتساقط!
شعري جاف و تالف!
شعري ليس له حجم!
لقد انقسمت نهايات شعري!
شعري وفروة رأسي دهنية!
شعري مجعد أو مموج!