لتر (32 أونصة) | شامبو تجديد الخلايا
USD$156.00 من إلى أو USD$156.00 السعر الأصلي هو: USD$156.00.USD$148.20السعر الحالي هو: USD$148.20. كل شهر واحد
Cell Renewal Shampoo + COLLAGEN BOOST is the 2nd step in our trademarked Bo Stegall | The Collection™ Cell Renewal Technology.
Comes in a Pump for easier use!
Our advanced ingredients help your scalp and hair produce its own collagen through Collagen Synthesis.
106 QV / 42 DB / 22 CV
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LITER SIZED (32 0z) Cell Renewal Shampoo + COLLAGEN BOOST is the 2nd step in our trademarked Bo Stegall | The Collection™ Cell Renewal Technology.
PUMP a dime to quarter size amount of STEP 2 Cell Renewal Shampoo into your palms, rub together to activate the organic ingredients. Starting with your scalp scrub thoroughly for 30 seconds. (You may not notice a lather on your first wash.) Continue dispersing the product mid-strand down through hair ends. Rinse.
REAPPLY with a second shampoo once again massaging your scalp for 30 seconds. (You may notice a lather on the second wash.) Rinse.
يكمل with STEP 3 Cell Renewal Conditioner to balance your pH.
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