The iTeraCare Solution! This revolutionary device incorporates three top technologies: terahertz, quantum, and optical quartz. Additionally, its component has been created with more than one hundred trace elements. The iTeraCare unit sends these technologies deep into the body’s tissues up to 20-30 cm which helps improve your overall health.
3 Key Features
• الاختراق: يخترق تيراهرتز عميقًا في أنسجة الجسم، ويصل إلى نخاع العظام، ويعزز الدورة الدموية.
• Activation: Terahertz waves resonate with our body’s cells at millions of vibrations per second and activate cells and strengthen the DNA.
• Identification: Repairs damaged cells and tissues affected by free radicals. • Peace of Mind: Non-ionizing and safe to use with zero radiation.
Device Specs
Model: DS-313
Power: 600W-800W
Voltage: 220V
Frequency: 50Hz
Length: 12.91″ (327.88mm)
Sound: $65dB
3 Heat Modes and Air Speeds: Low, Medium, and High
Usage Time: 30-45 Minutes (allow the device to fully cool down prior to subsequent uses)
Protective Hard Case Box with Handle
• لا يعتبر هذا الجهاز علاجًا طبيًا. وكما هو الحال دائمًا، إذا كانت لديك مخاوف بشأن استخدام هذا الجهاز فيما يتعلق بصحتك الشخصية، فمن المهم أن تتحدث إلى طبيبك المعالج بشأن مخاوفك.