المكونات الرئيسية
See individual products for Ingredient information.
كيفية الاستخدام
See individual product for directions.
USD$239.00 السعر الأصلي هو: USD$239.00.USD$192.00السعر الحالي هو: USD$192.00. من إلى أو USD$192.00 السعر الأصلي هو: USD$192.00.USD$182.40السعر الحالي هو: USD$182.40. كل شهر واحد
Our Rejuvva + extra-strength 32 ppm supplement is nearly four times more powerful than many daily-use formulas, developed for times when your immune system needs additional assistance. Its Triple Action Nano-Silver™ technology has been widely tested and studied, and offers superior performance compared to ionic silvers, hydrosols, and traditional colloidal silvers. With guaranteed safety and efficacy, you can trust Rejuvva+ to support your immune system.
Adults: Consume 1 teaspoon, three times daily Children: Ingest 1/2 teaspoon, once daily Ingredients: Triple Action Nano Silver Particles (Deionized Water, 99.99% Pure Silver, Unique Particle Size)
Our Rejuvva Gel+ is a natural pH balanced product delicately formulated to work in harmony with the skin. Our cosmetic master formula for the natural care of the largest organ of our body, the skin. Safe and effective Rejuvva Gel+ can be applied to cuts, scrapes, burns, acne and any skin sensitivities. Containing no harsh or chemical ingredients, you can use natural the Rejuvva Gel + as a part of your skin care routine and with any other skin care products.
*Actual label may reflect previous product name
Our Advanced Collagen+®is a cellular rejuvenation blend comprised of some of the most effective ingredients studied to improve collagen synthesis to turn back the first signs of cellulite and the signs of aging . Our collagen has been clinically-studied to provide anti-aging benefits, skin hydration and wrinkle reduction. This product is the first defense against cellulite!!!! If you blend the collagen into your humic powder daily drink, half scoop of collagen will give you ONE month supply.
– With humic and fulvic acid, hyaluronic acid, Alkaline Nano Silver, Biotin.
– Your first defense against CELLULITE!!!
Our طين توكس+ Bath or Facial Mask, is a powerful blend of natural ingredients designed to purify, detoxify, and rejuvenate.
للعناية بالوجه: Use MudTox+ to penetrate deep into your pores to eliminate impurities, excess oils, and toxins, while stimulating blood circulation and promoting cell regeneration.
استمتعي بالتأثيرات التحويلية لهذا الحمام أو القناع الفاخر عالي الجودة للوجه، حيث يحارب حب الشباب والرؤوس السوداء والبشرة الباهتة، مما يجعل بشرتك أكثر نعومة وإشراقًا وشبابًا. MudTox+ مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة وخالٍ من المواد الكيميائية الضارة والبارابين والكبريتات. استمتعي بالقوة الطبيعية لـ MudTox+ واكشفي عن إشراقة بشرتك الحقيقية اليوم!
العلاج بالمياه المعدنية:
حمام طين قديم في راحة منزلك واستمتع بدعم إزالة السموم وزيادة الدورة الدموية والتمتع بالشعور بالصحة والعافية أثناء امتصاص جميع المعادن والعناصر الغذائية من خلال بشرتك. دفاع رائع ضد تراكم السيلوليت والسموم في جسمك
Brighter Healthier Skin
Body pH Balance
Cellular Rejuvenation
116 QV / 12 DB / 92 CV
116 QV / 12 DB / 92 CV
المكونات الرئيسية
See individual products for Ingredient information.
كيفية الاستخدام
See individual product for directions.